Monday, November 15, 2010


BEFORE (April- about 6 weeks after Kate was born)
That was pretty brave of me to post those. :)

AFTER!! (today)

I am wearing the same shirt, if you couldn't tell. I am 3 lbs from my goal weight, but I might try to lose a couple more pounds after that. We'll see. Counting calories works! I have also been eating clean and that works very well too. I am so happy to finally be close to my goal!


Stephanie said...

Wow, lookin good Ash! I like the idea of doing a clean diet. I definitely eat crap food. I just bought celery today though.

Elise said...

Holy cow. Totally impressed.

Rob, Brooke, Breanna and Ethan said...

WAHOO! you look AWESOME! congrats on all the hard work and all your results, you look really good!

Matti said...

you look great! Glad you found what works for you!

Shannon said...

Wow you look amazing! That is quite a difference. You have every right to be proud of yourself. You look so fantastic, and you worked hard! Way to go!

Meg said...

You look so great Ashley! Way to go! I need to get on it, that's for sure. So what do you eat everyday on your average day? Just curious.

Meg said...

Thanks so much for writing me back!!!That sounds doable. Now just to do it! You look so great! Good work Ashley!

Leslierush said...

Can I just say I am totally jealous of your arms. Even when you had just had a baby they look so toned and skinny!!