Thursday, March 19, 2009

Deep Thoughts, by Ashley

I have been slowly implementing the Eat Clean way of life, which I think is good because trying to change everything all at once is overwhelming. I really believe that "Eating Clean" is the best way you can eat. When you read the book, it just makes sense. Its all about eating as natural and non-processed as you can. And also about eating the right portions. I know that Heavenly Father wants us all to take care of our bodies the best we can. And I believe that this way of eating is the best way I have ever heard of. I know everyone says this, but its really not a diet at all. Its just a more healthy way of eating.

Just think about the way this country is heading with obesity, heart disease, etc. Its really scary. And more than that, I think it is immoral. That sounds a little harsh, but I'm directing this at myself also. It is easy to judge people in the world who abuse drugs or alcohol. We might think, Wow, that's messed up. I would never do that. But what about those who abuse food? It is just another dependency... a method of coping with life, or handling stress. But it happens to be more socially acceptable than drugs or alcohol. I'm not saying that being overweight means you are a bad person or something, because I am just as guilty as anyone else of "abusing food" to some degree. But I just think we should all try harder to take care of ourselves. And for many people, that means getting educated about how to eat healthy, and how to exercise. It is worth taking the time to learn.

It is so frustrating to me when people just accept that they are overweight and stop trying to improve. That is not the way we should live our lives. I completely understand that losing weight is difficult. It takes a lot of discipline and sacrifice. But we should always be trying to be healthy. To just give up and eat crap all the time is not what Heavenly Father would want for us.


Kjell Crowe said...

Ashley, I totally agree with what you're saying. I think too often people give up way too easily when it comes to shedding the pounds. It takes a lot of time and will power to get out there, exercise and eat right. My heart goes out to all those who are struggling with this dilemma. I hope that through my boot camp (, I can motivate and help others reach their goals. If you know of anyone in the provo area that want to lose weight and get healthy, send them my way!!! :)
I wish you success in your journey to getting fit and healthier.

stef j. said...

i forgot this blog existed!! thank you thank you ... i'm pretty much fat right now. i've never been fat. i've always worked out, eaten decent, and looked pretty good. so in my fatly somewhat depressed state i had kind of given up. i figured i was just going to be fat until my child bearing years were over and the kids were in school and i had time to myself to work out and eat better foods.

BUT i know that i will not be happy like that. i hate feeling so ashamed about my body. so, now i have decided that i can do it. i think i'm going to get that book too, actually. and just DO IT.

i remember i used to view eating and working out as a matter of obedience and respect to God - to take care of our bodies. i've obviously let that slip, and THANK YOU for reminding me.

HERE I GO! seriously, you get 90% of the credit for motivating me to get off my rump and do it. THANKS!!

(holy cow that's a personal little novel i just wrote you there ... ) :)

Meg said...

Amen... it's hard to eat healthy all the time, but it is so worth it. I think that people really do abuse food. It's used as a drug just as other things are. I read that book and it was good, but it scared me just a little too. That Tovah is so hard core!

Meg said...

Tovah... I meant Tosca. Crazy Canadian names.