Thursday, March 5, 2009

I suck

I'm so bummed that I haven't been doing well with this. My motivation goes up and down constantly. Right now, I'm feeling very motivated because I'm sick to death of all of my clothes being tight. Is that the worst feeling or what? Aaahhh!

1 comment:

Jenn Johnson said...

ASH. Do not give up! K, so I'm mostly saying this to encourage me... I totally hear you!! It seems like every time I do really well with the exercise part, I SUCK at the nutrition part. Or, if I do well nutritionally, I do NOTHING but sit on the couch or something. It's frustrating, but just know you are my hopefully that puts enough pressure on you to continue to do really, really well. PS, so, I ran like a butt-load (I think I got that expression from you by the way!) this week, but I weighed myself, and yuck. Not only that, but my clothes are still snug, so what gives? I think I'm retaining water, growing brain mass, and tons of muscles are forming. Those are the good excuses I use...