Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Here's a trick...

When you really want to eat junk food, and you feel like you are about to cave- just drink a TON of water until you feel so full that eating doesn't sound so good. I just discovered this today. I feel like I'm gonna explode, but at least I'm not eating junk. Man, this is hard. I just wish I could eat whatever I wanted. Is this gonna get easier? I'm not sure.

This was me about 5 minutes ago.


stef j. said...

Sweet! i hate water, but i'd rather drink water like an elephant than look like an elephant.

Christina said...

Ha! That pic is funny! Another 'trick' is to brush your teeth when a craving hits... sugar doesn't taste good in a minty clean mouth!

rachele and jordan said...

I chew gum. I don't really get very many cravings, but I like to chew gum to prevent me from mindless eating. Like when I'm cooking.

Trevor Carver said...

oh amn last night i ate a big icecream snadwich, a icecream twix bar and some koolaid..mmmmhmm it was good

p.s. the jjjjjjjjaps are here!

Ashley C said...

Whatever Trevor! Must be nice to have a metabolism like yours. Grrr...